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from the book "The latent movement of a matter"

Author: Trukhan Alexander

around a barrel

In the book wave model of weight of a photon is presentation. Processes of dispersion and concentration of energy of electromagnetic oscillations in isotropy and vortices environments speak. The model of gravitation and about an arrangement (quantities) of orbits for planets in Solar system is offered. The vortical model of space is used.
The central idea of this book consists that the World (macro-and a microcosm) consists only of ether. Stationary structures, which we name a matter, represent various forms of circulation of ether on a circle. This idea Descartes - Kelvin's is based on new representation about a photon and optical properties of vortex. Curvature of space void Einstein's is replaced with curvature of currents of a radio vortex.
The text is stated to popular language, the minimum of special terms and a minimum of mathematical transformations contain. The book is present for one century of the theory relativity of Albert Einstein.

The design and imposition of a web-site are realize by the author - Trukhan A.

© Trukhan Alexander, September 2007


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