from the book "The latent movement of a matter"
Author: Trukhan Alexander
In the book wave model of weight of a photon is presentation. Processes of dispersion and concentration of energy of electromagnetic oscillations in isotropy and vortices environments speak. The model of gravitation and about an arrangement (quantities) of orbits for planets in Solar system is offered. The vortical model of space is used.
The central idea of this book consists that the World (macro-and a microcosm) consists only of ether. Stationary structures, which we name a matter, represent various forms of circulation of ether on a circle. This idea Descartes - Kelvin's is based on new representation about a photon and optical properties of vortex. Curvature of space void Einstein's is replaced with curvature of currents of a radio vortex.
The text is stated to popular language, the minimum of special terms and a minimum of mathematical transformations contain. The book is present for one century of the theory relativity of Albert Einstein.
- · In chapter 1 experiences of Michelson's (1881, 1887) in new representation are described. Michelson investigated longitudinal bifurcation of rays of light. Really in interferometer there was a cross bifurcation of rays of light. The principle of a relativity Galilee should be used for three systems of readout, which move independently (the device, an ether, electromagnetic oscillation -light). This difference change denies results of experiences. The model of movement of ether of Descartes - Kelvin's with new optics of vortical environments assumes indifference to experiences Michelson. Near a surface of the Earth with speed of 30 kilometers environment can not move to one second. Otherwise, according to the theory of inertia Hertze's, environment should destroy all. The Earth and ether rotate together.
- · In chapter 2 the model of a photon is present. The photon appears at a dynamic interference of electromagnetic oscillations. Our devices can register only photons (not harmonious fluctuations). Wave processes of ether are not defined (not determined). At statistic interference only three wave spheres can be crossed in one point. The geometry of interaction provides the quickly speed areas interference than speed of light. Excess of speed essentially changes an impedance of environment that results in formation of cone Mach. Harmonious waves will be transformed in soliton (great solitary oscillations) where the sum of amplitudes initial and secondary waves get properties of impact -mass. In process of distance of a photon there is a dispersion initial and accumulation in a cone of secondary fluctuations-oscillations. It explains a constancy of energy of a photon on any distance from a light source.
- · At the end of chapter 2 the model of optical properties of a vortex is considered. In a direction to the centre of whirls the impedance of environment for wave processes decreases. Experience Fizeau prove retraction of light in environment, which goes with constant speed. Environment, which goes with acceleration, carries away light faster. Whirls are volumetric and have directed in inside acceleration. It does (makes) by their volumetric lenses, which absorb waves and fluctuations. Association of fluctuations separates energy of movement of waves and transforms fluctuations into photons, grawitons (solitons). Movement of environment in whirl results in breaks in laminar layers because of tension -fracture of coupling in great gradients of speeds. Breaks fold in vortex determines structure of quantities. In Solar system planets are in breaks (mini-vortex) located. Small turbulence, which determines a gravitational field of a planet, is pleated formed.
- · In chapter 3 are stated etherdynamic (aerodynamic) properties of planets and bonds with position in orbits. The space vortex sorts bodies of planets by properties in view of the sizes, mass, speed in a whirl and presence of surplus or lack of waves of environmental space of an orbit. This formula:
R/√M + R/à M/300 ≈consta,
confirms the theory of an ether vortex and shows the greater size body of a Pluto. It, probably, will prove to be true a space sound "New horizons" in 2015. (see tab.)(In the formula and in the table as a unit of measurements the size of value for the Earth is used. R - radius of a planet, M - mass of a planet, a - average radius of an orbit, constanta - the sum of factors of derivatives.).
- · The new model of gravitation and movement of space demands new dynamics of a nucleus of planets and new evolution of Solar system.
- · In chapter 4 presentation evolution of planets of Earthly group: the Venus, the Earth and the Mars. Birth of the first satellite from a nucleus of planet results in increase of allocation of heat from interior bowels of a planet and to formation of a powerful magnetic field. Be available of disbalance movements of a nucleus and a body. The increase of the sizes of a planet, repeated dilution mantle provokes occurrence of the second satellite. Presence of the second satellite in an orbit causes cooling a mantle of a planet because of small disbalance inside and speed of rotation of a body is increased. These processes essentially influence properties of a surface of a planet. The model of change of a place dwelling a Nature the Mars → the Earth → the Venus is supposed.
- · In section inertia ideas Aristotle and Hertz about the determined World develop. The model of change of optical properties of ether is used at vortical movement. Force derivates the beginning of movement of a body. Movement of a body derivates vortex of environment - an ether around. Whirls absorb waves and fluctuations from an environment. Waves in whirls are united (interference). The dynamic interference supports rotation of vortex. Presence in an environment - ether of other whirls (for example) results atoms in redistribution of energy of fluctuations and loss of energy intended (moving) for inertia.
- · In chapter 5 (Web-page "chapter 4" in the end) are described forms of distribution of fluctuations in stationary and moving environments. It is stated two ideal cases which are bonds to an aberration, two variety Doppler - effect, and presence of vortical traces of biological objects in environmental space is predicted. The substantiation of materiality of concept of the God and soul is given. Whirls on air of bodies people and their ideas can be united as well as vortex of related atoms. They absorb and radiate energy of identical type. In chapter 2 the substantiation of the contradiction with the second law of thermodynamics (Clausius and Kelvin) which works only in ideal (isotropy) the World is resulted, i.e. where outside a matter (cubstance).
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© Trukhan Alexander, September 2007
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